Jenny Edwards, TFT-VT
Offers Thought Field Therapy® Trainings in Denver and Other Locations in the United States and Around the World

Jenny Edwards, TFT-VT
Offers Thought Field Therapy® Trainings in Denver and Other Locations in the United States and Around the World
TFT Algorithms
In the one-day seminar, you will discover:
Learn the original tapping method!
TFT Diagnostic Training
In the two-day seminar, you will learn:
Jenny also offers other courses in TFT
Jenny Edwards, TFT-VT
Additional trainings in Thought Field Therapy® are available on topics such as stopping smoking, eliminating simple phobias, de-stressing, and eliminating blocks to achieving goals. Thought Field Therapy® (TFT) offers fast relief for most emotional, psychological, and personal problems. It is so rapid and effective that it can accomplish—in just a few short sessions—results that used to take years of traditional psychotherapy appointments. Help yourself and your clients faster!